
Texas Hold'Em Poker Rules For Beginners

Last updated on : 28 Jan, 2021

Texas Hold'Em Poker Rules For Beginners

Texas Hold'em is unarguably one of the most popular poker games online. The rules of the game are actually pretty simple and logical. If you are just getting started, this guide will come in handy for a quick reference.

Basic Terminology

  •  Blinds: Also known as "blind bets," these are the forced bets placed before the cards are dealt.
  •  Button: Used to represent the player acting as the dealer in the current hand.
  •  Check: It is similar to a call but no money is bet. In case there is no raise preflop, the big blind may check.
  •  Flop: The first three community cards dealt are known as "Flop"
  •  Fourth Street: The fourth community card dealt.
  •  Fifth Street: The fifth community card dealt.
  •  All-In: Where a player puts all of his or her remaining chips into the pot.
  •  Pre-flop: Anything that occurs before the flop is dealt is known as a pre-flop.
  •  River: The final (fifth) community card dealt; also known as the fifth street.
  •  Showdown: When players show their hands to discover the pot's winner.
  •  Turn: The fourth community card that is dealt with is known as "Turn"; also called the fourth street.

Texas Hold'em Rule Book:

Rule 1: One player acts as the dealer; also known as "Button" and it rotates clockwise after every hand.

Rule 2: The players left to the dealer are known as the small blind and the big blind, respectively.

Rule 3: These two players are required to place forced bets of a pre-determined amount and are the only players to put money in the pot before the cards are dealt.

Rule 4: Every player is dealt two cards face down; also known as "pocket" or "hole" cards.

Rule 5: Once the pocket cards are dealt, the first round of betting begins with the player sitting left to the big blind. Then each player places their bet and is given 3 options: fold, call (match the amount of the big blind) or raise.

Rule 6: After the first round of betting is complete, 3 community cards are dealt face down; also known as "the flop".

Rule 7: After the flop is dealt, the second round of betting begins, each player having the option to check (if no bet is in front of them), bet (raise if a bet is before them), call or fold.

Rule 8: After the second round of betting is complete, a fourth community card is dealt, face up; also called "the turn."

Rule 9: After the turn, the third round of betting begins with the first remaining player sitting to the left of the button or dealer.

Rule 10: When the third round is over, the fifth and the final community card is dealt, face up; also known as "the river."

Rule 11: The fourth round of betting begins with the first remaining player seated to the left of the button and continues to move clockwise.

Rule 12: After the final round, each player shows their winning hand and the player who forms the best hand in the pot as per poker hand rankings wins the money in the pot.

Comfortable with the rules? Try your new skills to test by playing a game of good old Texas Hold’em, one of the most popular poker games online.

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